By David Bauder, AP Television Writer
(for complete story, click on above photo)
One of the most gruesome images, a still photograph taken by Charles
Krupa of The Associated Press, showed a man being pushed in a
wheelchair. His lower leg was blown away, with bloodied bones hanging
The image was sent to Associated Press members in two versions. In
one, the leg was leg cropped out and in the other it was shown, said
Santiago Lyon, AP vice president and director of photography. Many AP
photos are sent directly to news websites with no outside filtering, but
this picture was held back so editors could make their own judgments
about whether to use it.
"Different markets have different tolerances for violence and gore,"
Lyon said. "We're pretty sure that parts of the world will make good use
of it. We didn't want it to get out in the flow with no human
The Atlantic magazine's website used Krupa's image but required users to click on a warning before viewing it.