09 Video - Advanced Editing

Video Assignment #4 – Short Story
Let's tell a story!

Here's a sample shot, edited and posted entirely on a iPod Touch 4G:

Create a SHORT video story using the formula demonstrated in class.  
INTRO:  A short two-sentence introduction to the story that sets the stage for what the viewer will see.  This is the “hook” to entice someone to click on your video and spend the minute or two to watch it.
NAT SND:  In all but a few cases the first sound should be natural sound of your first video image.  Start with your strongest video, whatever that image is, and work from here.
TRACK (NARRATION) The first line of narration complements the first video, but doesn’t tell you what you are seeing, and it sets the stage for your first sound bite. This should a sentence or two.  Write in present tense, active voice: subject – verb –object.  Avoid dangling clauses, or long preposition phrases
SOUND BITE:  10-15 secs of someone saying something about the story.
TRACK:  You telling something more of the story, that matches the visual images you have, and setting up the next sound bite:
SOUND BITE:  You’re second sound bite should be from someone else offering a different perspective.  If you are tackling an issue, it might be from the other point of view.  Again 10-15 secs is ideal
TRACK: A concluding line that wraps up the story, and maybe points to what might next happen.
SIG OUT:  Your name, news organization, location.  Example: “Jamie McIntyre, University of Maryland, College Park.”


1.  Does your video tell a story, with a beginning middle, and end?
2.  Does it start with natural sound?
3.  Does it include at least two interviews? Or a montage of MOS?
4.  Are the interview subjects identified with lower third graphics?
5.  Are the interview subjects framed correctly?  (Rule of Thirds)
6.  Is the audio of your interview subjects clear?
7.  Is your narration track is clear, on mic, and without distortion?
8.  Are most of your shots steady? Shot on tripod?
9.  Is the story length between 1:00 and 2:00 minutes long?

9-8 Yeses = A  (95/90%)
7-6 Yeses = B (85%-80%)
5-4 Yeses = C  (75%-70%)
3-2 Yeses = D   (65%)
1-0 Yeses  = F  (50%  (Assuming an assignment was posted)